Choose Your Perfect Plan
- 10 Free Prompts Daily
- Basic Image Generation
- 1 Active Deployment
- Basic FSD Features
- Community Support
- 50 Prompts Daily
- Advanced Image Generation
- Advanced FSD Features
- Advanced Pyramid Architecture
- Advanced Deployment (10 concurrently)
- Advanced Snow Mode
- Unlimited Prompts Daily
- All Pro Features
- Custom Coding Model Selection
- Custom Image Model Selection
- Scale Deployment (50 concurrently)
- Early Access to New Features
- All Team Features
- Dedicated Account Management
- Enterprise-Grade Security
- Enterprise-Grade Support
- Scalable Solutions
Our free trial gives you full access to the platform without requiring any billing information. You can explore all features without commitment. Once the trial period ends, you will be placed on the free tier, from which you can decide whether to continue with a paid plan.
Our refund policy ensures that you get reimbursed for the unused portion of your subscription. If you've used 10 days of your plan, for instance, we will refund the remaining value for the days not used.
Instant requests and slow requests differ in processing speed and availability:
- Instant requests: Processed immediately, providing quick results. Limited to 50/month in the Hobby tier, unlimited in Pro and above.
- Slow requests: Processed with lower priority, may take longer to complete. Unlimited in all tiers, including Hobby.
Instant requests are ideal for time-sensitive tasks, while slow requests are suitable for less urgent operations.
FSD stands for Full Self Driving, which means all our agents work together autonomously to complete tasks. The agents collaborate seamlessly to handle your development workflow without requiring constant manual intervention.
Concurrent deployment refers to the number of active deployments you can have running simultaneously. The Free tier allows 1 concurrent deployment, meaning you can have one active deployment at a time. The Pro tier supports up to 10 concurrent deployments, allowing you to run multiple deployments simultaneously. If you need to exceed your limit, you'll need to shut down an active deployment before starting a new one.
We offer two tiers of image generation capabilities:
- Basic Image Generation: Uses industry-standard models like DALL-E 3 to create images based on your prompts.
- Advanced Image Generation: Provides access to personalized style options and multiple professional models including Stable Diffusion, allowing for more detailed and customized image creation.
Advanced users can fine-tune their image generation process for specific style requirements and have more control over the output quality.